Model-Based Solution for Efficient Motor Control System Development

Atsushi Katagiri
Application Engineering Group,
MathWorks Japan


In recent years, many companies have been steadily expanding their development activities using virtual environments instead of actual equipment.
In addition, in order to launch products in a timely manner in the rapidly changing product market, it is necessary to develop systems that utilize simulation from the early stages of development.
It is said that in order to launch products in a timely manner in the rapidly changing product market, it is imperative to study the system using simulation from the early development phase to ensure quality and shorten the overall development period.
In addition, development efficiency can be improved by using the right tool for the right job at the right time in accordance with the development phase.
In this presentation, we will focus on motor control and present a workflow from system study to implementation using electrification-ready products as the subject.
In doing so, we will introduce the key points to use in conjunction with JMAG-RT and MATLAB, Simulink

Model-Based Solution for Efficient Motor Control System Development

Model-Based Solution for Efficient Motor Control System Development

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