Iron Loss Calculation
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[JAC103] Efficiency Analysis of a Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor
In this example, how to obtain the efficiency with a sinusoidal wave voltage drive at a rotation speed of 1,800 r/min and voltage amplitude of 40 V.
[JAC276] Six-Phase IPM Motor Harmonic Iron Loss Analysis
In this example, confirming the effects of carrier harmonics on the iron loss of a six-phase IPM motor are explained here.
[JAC264] Creating 6-Phase IPM Motor Efficiency Maps
In this example, the efficiency map of a 6-phase IPM motor is created with loss ratios at each operating point also evaluated.
[JAC228] Induction Motor Thermal Analysis
In this example, evaluating induction motor temperature distribution.
[JAC217] Creating Efficiency Maps for 3-Phase Induction Motors
In this example, the use of JMAG-RT Viewer to create efficiency maps for three-phase induction motors when drive temperatures change.
[JAC165] Creating IPM Motor Efficiency Maps
In this example, an efficiency map of an IPM motor is created and the loss ratios at each operating point are evaluated.
[JAC278] Creating Six-Phase Induction Motor Efficiency Maps
In this example, a six-phase induction motor efficiency map is created in the concept design stage, and each operating point slip and iron loss are evaluated.
[JAC235] Reactor Core Stray Loss Analysis
In this example, reactor core stray loss is described.
[JAC269] Creating Three-Phase Induction Motor Efficiency Maps Accounting for Harmonics
In this example, efficiency maps are created for a three-phase induction motor accounting for PWM carrier and slot harmonics. These are compared with efficiency maps when harmonic…
[JAC239] Fault Analysis in an IPM Motor
In this example, we introduce the case study that simulate the fault of an IPM motor using JMAG-RT. The fault simulated in this case study is an open circuit fault which is caused…
[JAC287] Analysis of Current Conditions for the Maximum Efficiency of a WFSM
In this example, we determine the motor efficiency in relation to the field current for a WFSM when the motor output is kept constant.
[JAC273] Creating IPM Motor Efficiency Maps Accounting for AC Loss
In this example, an IPM motor efficiency map that accounts for AC loss from a PWM is created, and a comparison with an efficiency map that does not account for AC loss is performe…
[JAC018] Thermal Analysis of a Motor
In this example, how to evaluate a motor's temperature distribution by creating a thermal analysis model that can investigate the loss analysis and temperature distribution in ord…
[JAC286] IPM Motor Iron Loss Analysis Accounting for PWM -Evaluation with Different Modulation Methods-
In this example, the effects on iron loss when the modulation method for PWM control is changed are evaluated.
[JAC203] No-Load Test Analysis of Power Transformer
This example focuses on modeling in the analysis of no-load tests in JMAG and obtains the magnetic flux line, current, excitation conductance, and excitation susceptance that can …
[JAC148] Loss Analysis of a Power Transformer (Flyback Converter)
A magnetic field analysis simulation based on the finite element method (FEM) can precisely evaluate the complex loss distributions of the coil and core, so it is optimal for an a…