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  1. [L-MB-31] Monitoring Internal Condition of the Motor Using JMAG-RT Model

    Quietness and safety are required from a motor as equipment such as electric vehicles and robots that utilize motors have been in great demand. For this reason, motor control is r…

  2. [L-OP-57] Quick Evaluation of Diverse Designs

    In order to pursue higher-performance machine design, it is necessary to grasp the influence of small changes in design proposals on machine characteristics.

  3. [L-SE-59] Detailed Modeling for Harmonic Loss Analysis

    In IPM motors driven by PWM inverters, eddy current losses occur due to carrier higher harmonics. For higher efficiency, it is important to evaluate higher harmonic loss at design…

  4. [L-OP-27] Instantly Extracting the Necessary Information from a Large Amount of Analysis Data with JMAG-Explorer

    JMAG-Explorer is a tool for quickly finding files from large amounts of JMAG-related files (project files, JCF files, and result files).

  5. [L-MO-54] JMAG-Express Online

    JMAG-Express Online is a Web service to support your motor design work anytime, anywhere.

  6. [L-TR-44] Winding Vibration Analysis of a Power Transformer

    Winding vibration originating from a transformer is a vibration phenomenon that uses Lorentz force as the vibration force, which occurs when leakage flux from the winding acts on …

  7. [L-MB-30] Accurately Identifying Motor Characteristics During Control with JMAG-RT

    In general, the characteristics of motor models used in control circuit simulation of a motor drive system are often assumed to be constant when the motor is in drive mode.

  8. [L-SE-163] High Performance Massive Case Calculations

    Taking the traction motor, auxiliary motor, and reactor as models to be analyzed, presented in this report is the performance for simultaneously running 100 cases by using Power S…

  9. [L-MU-169] Comparing Thermal Circuit Modeling with Experimental Result for an Axial Gap Motor

    Comparison of a thermal circuit model with experimental results has been performed in this leaflet. In the thermal circuit, thermal characteristics of each parts are modelled by a…

  10. [L-HU-168] Fast Solving of Large Scale Model Using Massive Parallel Processing

    One option for accurate loss analysis is 3D analysis. However, the number of elements often reaches into the millions, limiting its use in terms of calculation cost. In order to i…

  11. [L-MO-09] Easily Creating Complex Coil Ends Geometry in a Template

    The introduction of square wire coils and higher motor speeds no longer allow coil AC losses to be ignored as a loss factor. Coil AC losses are caused by the skin effect and prox…

  12. [L-OP-25] Utilizing JMAG in Cloud Services

    More cloud services for CAE continue to be offered. This allows sufficient computational resources to be used when needed to perform analysis work.

  13. [L-OP-34] Using MATLAB’s Optimization Engine in JMAG

    MATLAB is widely used in the engineering field, and the MATLAB Global Optimization Toolbox is often used for optimization calculations also.

  14. [L-HU-08] Complex 3D Models to FEA Models Within Short Timeframes

    Amounts of processing required will increase proportionately to the number of parts. By applying parallel processing, mesher processing speed increases, and mesh generation time i…

  15. [L-MA-04] New & Improved Iron Loss Analysis Function

    When performing iron loss analysis, it is necessary to select optimal methods accounting for the likes of analysis targets, objectives, accuracy, types of usable data, and more.

  16. [L-HU-01] High Performance Parallel Solver Analyzing Complex Phenomena in Rotating Machines As Is

    JMAG's high parallel solver exhibits high performance and has answers to a wide range of problems for in practice.

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