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  1. Calculation Cost Reduction Method in Multi-Objective Optimization Using Machine Learning: Case Study on Actuator Development

    Tomohiro Kuroda, AISIN CORPORATION

  2. DOE-based Optimization of Electrical Machines

    Stephan Guenther, IAV GmbH

  3. Analysis of Gas Proportional Solenoid Valve Using JMAG

    Yuichi Mochizuki, PURPOSE CO.,LTD.

  4. Relationship of Parallel Number of Analyzes to Analysis Time with Outer Rotor Type Fan Motor


  5. Topology Optimization of Electric Machines for E-mobility Applications

    Bharadwaj Raghuraman/Shafigh Nategh, Volvo Car Corporation

  6. A Study of Improving Demagnetization Resistance Performance by JMAG Topology Optimization

    Shogo Shintani, Toshiba Corporation

  7. Application of Automation of Design Utilizing Optimization to Traction Motor


  8. Optimization (multi-objective, multi-physical) and Verification of E-Motor Design Using Real Test Bench Data

    Tim Schwartz / Sebastian Igel, Great Wall Motor Austria Research & Development GmbH

  9. [JAC268] SPM Motor Teeth Geometry Topology Optimization

    In this example, the on / off method is used to search for stator teeth geometry that maximizes average torque and minimizes torque ripple with the entire areas of stator teeth ti…

  10. [JAC233] Induction Heating Coil Optimization

    In this example, an example of using an optimization function to design a coil to use for induction hardening a gear is presented.

  11. [W-OP-96] Necessity of GA for Multi-Objective Optimization of Drive Motor

    In this paper, the multi-objective optimization calculation has 12 design variables (8 geometric variables, 4 circuit variables) with 6 objective functions (maximize torque, minim…

  12. [L-OP-34] Using MATLAB’s Optimization Engine in JMAG

    MATLAB is widely used in the engineering field, and the MATLAB Global Optimization Toolbox is often used for optimization calculations also.

  13. AI Technology with Aid of Data-driven Method Makes EM Simulation and Optimization More Effective

    Hajime Igarashi, Hokkaido University

  14. Reduction of Optimal Design Time for IPMSMs for Automotive Applications Using Machine Learning

    Yuki Shimizu, Osaka Prefecture University

  15. 3D Design of Magnetic Components by Gaussian Kernel Regression -Forward Design and Inverse Design-

    Yuki Sato, Texas Instruments Japan Limited

  16. Application of SIMP-based Topology Optimization in JMAG


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