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  1. Heat Balance of 90kW Class 50,000rpm SPM Motor for Rocket Engine Propellant Supply -Modeling by Linking JMAG-RT and AMESIM Software-

    Mitsuru Shimagaki, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency

  2. Electromagnetic Materials Suited for Electrified Transport

    Sigrid JACOBS / Jan RENS, ArcelorMittal

  3. The Need for Large-Scale Calculations in Induction Heating


  4. Electromagnetic Field Analysis of AB Phases and Z Phase Magnetic Interference in a Magnetic Encoder

    Koji Kokue, Tamagawa-seiki Co.,Ltd.

  5. Design of Electric Machine for Electric Aircraft Using Power Simulation License

    Hiroshi Mitsuda, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation

  6. Improvement of Calculation Model on Induction Motors

    Daisuke Sato, Nagaoka Motor Development Co., Ltd.

  7. Recent update of electric machine thermal management with CFD How to employ the oil cooling method (pros and cons)

    Sato Makoto, Siemes Computational Dyamics K.K

  8. Case Study of Developing an IPM Motor Drive System with Model-Based Development (MBD) – Using JMAG-RT and HILS –

    Daisuke Mitsuoka, Shimadzu Corporation

  9. Agile Electrical Machine Development for Hybrid Electric Aircraft

    Zoltán Nádudvari, Rolls-Royce Electric Hungary Kft

  10. Application of Deep Learning to Optimal Design

    Hajime Igarashi, Hokkaido University

  11. Automated Electric-Machine Design Workflow in the Cloud for Aviation Applications

    Daniel Csapo, Rolls-Royce Hungary Kft.

  12. Development of a Wireless Power Transfer System for Railway Vehicles Using JMAG

    Keigo Ukita, Railway Technical Research Institute

  13. Design of Three-Phase Wireless Power Transfer System with 12 Coils

    Daisuke Sato, Nagaoka Motor Development Co., Ltd.

  14. Loss Modelling for the Hyperloop Propulsion Motor

    Alex Jedinger, Virgin Hyperloop One

  15. Development of Analysis and Design Technologies for Motors in Technology Research Association of Magnetic Materials for High-Efficiency Motors (MagHEM).

    Yoshinari Asano, DAIKIN INDUSTRIES, LTD.

  16. Computer Simulation of Double Hardened Layer Induction Hardening

    Takashi Horino, NETUREN CO., LTD.

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