Introducing JMAG-Designer Ver.20.0

2020-12-17 / Last Updated: 2021-01-27

JMAG-Designer Ver.20.0 was released in December 2020.
In JMAG-Designer Ver.20.0, analysis parameter views and the dashboard have been made even simpler to use. The solver and mesher have continued to be enhanced so that the analysis of large-scale models for high-accuracy evaluations can be performed with ease. Optimization with improvements in performance and support for coupled analysis can now be experienced by a wide multitude of users. A large amount of function enhancements is included for rotating machines, such as coil template enhancements, and accounting for the AC copper loss of efficiency maps (speed priority mode).
We encourage all our users to make the most of this latest version of JMAG.

What is JMAG-Designer Ver.20.0 ?

The new functions and Features

For details, please see the following function introduction. (PDF, 2.23MB:  User authentication)

Introducing to new functions of JMAG-Designer Ver.20.0 


These are created using the functions in JMAG-Designer Ver.20.0 and later. Please feel free to use them.


Creating geometry


Parametric, optimization

Creating efficiency maps in JMAG-Designer

Module Download

The latest version of JMAG modules are available.
In addition, version information, release notes, manuals, etc. can be used.

Module Download 

Video for Introducing the New Functions

A video complete with voice audio has been prepared to offer our users a better understanding of the new functions in JMAG-Designer Ver.20.0.
This is a lecture that can be attended via internet in your own time and for as many times as required.

Video for Introducing the New Functions of JMAG-Designer Ver.20.0 

Introducing JMAG-Designer Ver.17.0 – Ver.24.0

Articles about JMAG-Designer that have been released previously are available.