In January 2020, JMAG-Designer Ver.19.0 has been released.
JMAG-Designer Ver.19.0 is advanced tools that allow searching a wide design space in a short period of time. In addition, functions such as efficiency maps and zooming analysis of existing functions have been enhanced.
Please enjoy taking full advantage of it.
What is JMAG-Designer Version 19.0 ?
The new functions and Features
For details, please see the following function introduction. (PDF, 2.42MB: User authentication)
Introducing to new functions of JMAG-Designer Ver.19.0
These are created using the functions in JMAG-Designer Ver.19.0 and later. Please feel free to use them.
- [JFT098] Automatic Thread Allocation During Local Job Execution
- [JFT104] Application of an Anomalous Eddy Current Loss Factor Dependent on Magnetic Flux Density and Frequency
- [JFT106] Multistage Analysis Using a Vector Potential Boundary Condition
- [JFT092] Mesh Model Skew Deformation
- [JFT093] Shape Modification Using the Morphing Function (Moving Only Nodes on a Specified Edge)
- [JFT099] Mixing Manual Mesh and Auto Mesh
- [JFT094] Parametric Analysis of Material Properties
- [JFT097] Optimization Execution Using Material Characteristics as Design Variables
- [JFT101] Condition Settings Using the Response Values of Other Studies
- [JFT103] Performing Topology Optimization Using Sensitivity Analysis
Control Circuit
Efficiency Map in JMAG-Designer
- [JAC165] Creating IPM Motor Efficiency Maps
- [JFT070] Creating a PM motor Efficiency Map Using JMAG-Designer (Accuracy Priority Mode)
- [JFT105] A CAD Link Function to 3D CAD Software NX
- [JFT108] Creating a 3D Mesh Model from a 2D Mesh Model
Pre / Post
- [JFT095] Obtaining Distribution Data from a Results File
- [JFT096] Performing Parametric Analysis Using an Analysis Parameter View
- [JFT100] Material Allotment per Element
- [JFT102] Setting 3D Model Coils Using the Winding Editor
- [JAC030] Magnetization Field Evaluation of an SPM motor
- [JAC151] Insulation Evaluation Analysis of a Power Transformer
Module Download
The latest version of JMAG modules are available.
In addition, version information, release notes, manuals, etc. can be used. ( User authentication)
Video for Introducing the New Functions
A video complete with voice audio has been prepared to offer our users a better understanding of the new functions in JMAG-Designer Ver.19.0.
This is a lecture that can be attended via internet in your own time and for as many times as required.
Video for Introducing the New Functions of JMAG-Designer Ver.19.0